Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Wednesday 18 October 2006

DGM HQ Broad accents of



Broad accents of the Landlord Kind are drifting through the thin wall that provides a screen between the brain of the Post Office & Village Store and DGM’s Chamber of Venality & Unkindness to Poor Suffering Audients.

10.01 Alex has arrived & P6 are loading into the G5.

10.07  The Power To Debate:: Posted by Sid Smith on Tue., Oct 17, 2006

Meanwhile over on the Progressive Ears website, there’s a forthright exchange of opinion about The Power To Believe. If read it right there’s a roughly equal stand-off between those who dig it and those who want to bury the album.  What say you? 

There are a very few commentators whose opinions I trust, and their impartial views are valuable & respected. However, the commentary at ProgLugs is an excellent example of how the performer is better advised to follow their passion, what they feel to be right for themselves & what they consider necessary musical choices. If I were to allow conventional enthusiast-site postings to direct my musical life & work, I would already have taken up plumbing. Now, that’s a useful job & one spared extensive online wittering.

Oh! for innocent ears! Oh! for an audient attending a P6 performance without the expectation that P6 would fulfill every dream of KC/AB/RF wonderment & transcendent experiencing. Oh! (alternatively) for a masterful audient (ie a connoisseur) who is able to listen with the assumption of innocence within a context of experience. Oh! for anyone who is able to simply hear what it is, and accept that that’s what it is, whatever it is.

12.28  The Morning Shift: Alex & Robert In SoundWorld I addressing the recent ProjeKct Six 6 Leaves The East Coast Reeling & Dancing Tour, in response to requests to make this available for download. Alex has been instructing the RHVL in rudimentary hands-on of Logic 7 & we have begun to make listening mixes of the 4 shows.

12.45  Alex & Robert have moved upstairs to SoundWorld II. Alex is waving our master of the re-sequenced The Cotswold Gnomes & Their Part In Your Lives to demonstrate to enquiring Guestbook commentators that their slightest concern is our emphatic necessity…


This is on our To Do list for this visit.

Boston is up & grooving while P6 Live At The Nokia Theater, NYC is preparing itself for our attention downstairs in SoundWorld II…


The debut of P6 in Boston was a quietly terrifying experience, as all band-debut performances are for me. But I hear no evidence of this on Live Groove.

13.31  First pass stomped & pumped flat.

15.04  A short lunch interval, a stuff-attack, then into SoundWorld I & a working mix of Hot Shots! P6 Do NYC! Now, up in SoundWorld II the Afternoon Shift is back to Boston. Alex favours lemon & ginger tea for the discerning sonic shape-shifter…


… and I enjoy a quick-dip black Earl Grey when listening to a P6 freewheeling attack on the gentle sensibilities of those who know what to expect from Fripp & Adrian.

16.25  Live Groove (NYC) is werning forward. This’ll upset those who know what to expect. Perhaps we should come up with a snappy slogan for the site - what a wheeze! Something like expectation is a prison. Has that already been used somewhere?

Live Groove is straightforward. That is, almost straightforward. The NYC version is my personal favourite of the four LGs.

16.48 Mission Possible underway. Adrian’s metal kit is exceptionally impolite on this.

16.59  Queer Jazz (NYC) is a brash, emphatic assertion of the all-pervading presence of ambiguity in life. It can be loud & noisy too! the players seem to be saying.

17.09  Persian E is making quite a racket as well.

17.38 P6 in NYC remixed. More on this tomorrow.

18.01  Alex has had quite enough for today & has gone home.

22.45 Practising done. The floor is waiting.

